About us

Meet SolarMedica

Your health is of utmost importance for us

SolarMedica is a place where alternative medicine harmoniously combines with the achievements of academic medicine. The motivation for creating this place was the desire to integrate - traditional medicine approach focusing on calming and treating symptoms as well as holistic care for sustainable health, which is characteristic for alternative currents, which are aimed at identifying the source of the pathogenic process and its deeper analysis. We believe that it is in the best interest of any patient to integrate both approaches. 

Each disease can be stopped, extinguished, but the reversal of its damages depends on the degree of harm it has caused so far, so it is very important to start the recovery process as soon as possible. 

Integral approach

The founder of SolarMedica in Warsaw is Renata Solarska Ph.D. Not only is she a certified therapist of harmonic frequency applications (Akademie der Harmonikalischen Frequenzanwendung e.V Munich), a practitioner of integral medicine based on applied pharmacology, but she is also a scientist. Her professional path, intertwined with exact sciences, chemistry, physics, biology and pharmaceutical sciences - led to psychology and psychosomatics. All these elements are reflected in harmony... because the Greek word Harmonik is a symbol of intertwining the laws of natural science with sensory perception, "adding and arranging".

As a therapist, however, she does not rely exclusively on body's self-regulation, because regardless of the fact that every cell in our body has such an ability, our environment is saturated with too many toxins and immune blockades. Therefore, in our therapeutic approach, we combine the use of harmonic frequencies with supplementation, that targets the needs of mitochondria, and psychology in order to avoid diseases that - more and more commonly - appear due to psychological causes.

The backbone of this therapeutic approach is the fact that all processes in the body and its environment are controlled by strictly defined frequencies, changes of which precede physical changes in the body.

As a scientist, she aims to find the causes and restore well-being in every aspect of the patient's health, without negating the achievements of conventional medicine. 

The harmonic use of frequencies builds up frequency therapies on the solid foundations of the natural sciences and proposes a systematic which is fully integrated with a holistic approach. 

Qualified Therapists

We are Academy’s partner

SolarMedica is a partner of the Academy of Harmonic Applications of Frequencies. The task of the Academy is to spread standardized knowledge that meets the expectations of modern science. It is the result of successful therapists' experience as well as cutting-edge knowledge in the field. 

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